Monday, August 23, 2004


Been away for a while, gonna bitch about a lot of stuff now.

First off, new design. Basically did this so that it looks kinda like how my modded desktop in the office looks. All grey, simple, minimalistic yet functional. Also did it to try out the pixel-border table deisngs. This is the final one that I settled on.

Had been slaving all throught the weekend to fix the company server. Well, actually not the whole weekend, since I just threw everything down and left them to my colleague on Saturday. Big mistake there. The fella really dunno shit about anything, and I ended up doing everything myself when I came in at noon today.
It's all working now, faster internet access than before. Problems left include resetting up of all the ban lists before I can let the labs have access, how to tell my superior in KL that the Cisco firewall might have burnt, the server seems set on overheating in time if the cooling system is not improved and also the why-the-hell-the-Lotus-Domino-doesn't-work problem.
Who am I kidding? We don't even have a proper cooling system for the server room. Something I've been bugging my manager to implement, complete with costing and shit, all given to her and the only thing she can say is "Let's put a National fan in there".
Well, the new PC I'm using for a server there just overheated twice this evening. Now it's running without any covers. I don't even wanna think what'll happen if the place wasn't dust free. Freaking idiotic management.

Susi: stop going to his place.

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