Thursday, August 26, 2004


The movie, actually. I know it's old and I've seen the video clips lying around on the net. Most of them are actually more towards stupid/disgusting/offensive/disturbed than being funny, but somehow I was laughing through the whole 70+ minutes of the movie. Well, most of it. I was pretty grossed out when the fella actually ate and ice cone that he just peed on. The part where this dude deliberately papercut the webbings on his hands and feet (what are those called anyway?) was just plain stupid.

Come to think of it, this movie (if one can really call it that) is an honest approach to being funny (or a choice of stupid/disgusting/offensive/disturbed) than most stupid comedies out there. For instance, Stephen Chow films. Downright silly, but all the while pretending that the movies actually have a deeper meaning. I still can't understand why the hell Shaolin Soccer got awards.

When I used to watch his films, I usually forget about the whole things right after the show's over. Seriously, there's no meaning to it. Exactly like Jackass. Which is the reason why these idiots doing things that normal people wouldn't do, and having fun doing them, is honestly funnier than Stephen Chow.

I kinda think that most of the stunts (read:stupid things) they do are what most people, at least American teenagers, would've thought of doing. Eg: riding a golf cart like a bumper car; put an alligator in the kitchen to scare the shit outta the parents, etc. Thing is, these jackasses dared to do it. I wonder what kinda trouble they got themselves into filming this. Especially the dancing-in-a-thong-in-the-streets-of-Tokyo part. Or the shit-in-a-furniture-store stunt.

All-in-all, the movie was funny.

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