Saturday, January 1, 2005

new year. yay?

1st Jan. :) Didn't even celebrate last night. It's not that I agree with the PM about mourning for the deaths of the tsunami incident, it's just that I didn't feel like celebrating in the first place.

I'm not very much affected by the whole thing, although I do agree that it's really tragic. The dead are dead, but the living will have so much more to deal with, especially those who has not only lost their families and loved ones, but also their livelihoods and their future.

Ultimately, it's a very good move for leaders of the region to cancel all official celebrations for the new year. It will certainly make the coutry look bad if they have celebrations that soon after such a huge tragedy. So, fuck you to those who complain about governments cancelling celebrations. You people should think ahead more instead of just worrying about where you're gonna get drunk on New Year's Eve and who you'll be getting laid with.

Sent some money in to a local charity/relieve fund for tsunami victims in Malaysia under mom's name yesterday. It's not much, but it's about as much as I can spare, seeing how my current financial situation isn't all that good either. Any bit helps, I hope.

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